How to change font in windows 10
If you are using Windows 11–10 or even 7 windows come with a default font almost everywhere from desktop to file explorer even windows settings and its Segoe UI font lot off windows users like to change this font and customization their windows but Microsoft does not provide this option so, how to change font in windows 10? we will change the font using Registry with simple steps just flow me in this article
1. Backup registry
Since we are about to modify the values of the Registry Editor to change the font as I indicated in the introduction, before taking any step by following the steps in this article, make a backup of the registry to restore it in the event of problems Now that you have done that you will have to perform the following steps in order to be able to change the default font. we need to open the run box first by pressing the keys (windows key+r) to open the registry editor. write in regedit to open the registry
then you need to backup all registries before starting if something is falt to come back
file>export>export range: all > save your file in your favorite name and wait to be finished
then you can save them in any place
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2. download and edit the font file
After backup your registry files you can safely edit and modify the font file you can download it from this link also you need to edit it with the notepad program
now you need to select your favorite font that you want to apply in windows you can choose from fonts in the menu down to access this menu
format > font >choose the font you want! [at my case I choose Comic Sans MS ]
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